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This article is mostly a technical explanation of how encumbrances can be migrated from open Purchase Orders into Oracle Grants / Oracle Projects.

In oracle applications, my exposure to encumbrances is related to those in Oracle Purchasing / iProcurement, Oracle Payables, Labor Distributions. Firstly, let me tell you that Oracle Applications Encumbrance functionality is very rich, it works well and is also very stable. But it did take Oracle some time to stabilise & deliver feature rich encumbrance Functionality.

My client was already live with Oracle Purchasing & iProcurement when this migration requirement came through. Prior to migration, the encumbrances were pushed into GL via the Oracle Purchasing module.

When implementing Oracle Grants/ Oracle Projects, some of my clients GL Codes were mapped to Grants Awards, Projects, Tasks & Expenditure type.
Before migration, the Encumbrances for such GL codes wouldn't be visible from Grants in either the Award status  (ASI) or the Project Status (PSI) screen. The challenge was not only to make those encumbrances visible from GMS [Grants Management System], but also to have those liquidated/reversed when purchase orders were matched to Oracle Payables Invoices. Not only that, upon matching invoices in Payables, award status screen must then show those earlier encumbrances as actuals.

There are now three subsections below, and you may wish to read those that interest you.
            Section 1. Challenges
            Section 2. Steps undertaken
            Section 3. Notes

Overall this task was of medium complexity, but challenges were :-
Ensuring that all Open Purchase Orders regardless of their Approval/Reservation status were successfully migrated to POETA.
2. To ensure that after switching the relevant Purchase Orders to POETA, those purchase Orders must be Re-Encumbered Successfully. See the note at very end to find how this was ensured.
3. To ensure that all the PO's that were approved prior to migration were Re-Approved successfully without invoking the Approval Workflow and also without having to update any Oracle table.
4. Use Oracle API's at as many possible places. No direct updates to any of the Oracle tables were to be done. Considering there aren't many public API's to help achieve these tasks, I had to do plenty digging to find the APIs that forms and workflows etc called. Those internal API's were re-used, hence avoiding any direct table updates.
5. Some of the PO_DISTRBUTION_LINES records were partially matched. Hence such Distributions had to be split into two.

Following steps were undertaken
All the below steps were accomplished by writing various procedures and functions within a PL/SQL Package
Step 1.
Update the logged in User Id that executes migration program to be that of the Employee that can approve any Purchase Order.
See Note 4 below.
Step 2.
Run Payables Accounting Process and Program Create Journal in GL
Doing so will ensure that PO Distribution table is in synch with the latest set of matched invoices.
Step 3.
Load the data into a table say xx_eligible_po_dist_4_gms_enc
Create a local procedure for doing so.
      INSERT INTO xx_eligible_po_dist_4_gms_enc
        SELECT pod.po_header_id
        FROM po_line_locations    pll
            ,po_distributions     pod
            ,po_headers           phea
            ,po_lines             pol
            ,po_lookup_codes      plc
            ,po_line_types        plt
            ,xx_enc_eligible_projects   eep
            ,gl_code_combinations glcc
        WHERE pod.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id AND
              pol.po_line_id = pod.po_line_id AND
              pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id AND
              pll.shipment_type IN (
'OPEN') = plc.lookup_code AND
              plc.lookup_type =
'N') = 'N' AND nvl(pol.cancel_flag
'N') = 'N' AND
              glcc.code_combination_id = pod.code_combination_id AND
              (glcc.segment3 LIKE
'P%' OR glcc.segment3 LIKE 'R%') AND
              phea.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id AND
              pod.quantity_ordered - pod.quantity_cancelled -
              pod.quantity_billed >
              phea.authorization_status IN
              eep.project_code = glcc.segment3 AND status <>

Next Update the above entries in the table with POETA
    PROCEDURE load_poeta_info_for_tab IS
    l_poeta_rec r_poeta_rec_type;
    FOR p_rec IN (SELECT tt.code_combination_id
                  FROM xx_eligible_po_dist_4_gms_enc tt
                  WHERE tt.fnd_request_id = g_conc_request_id
                  GROUP BY tt.code_combination_id)
      l_poeta_rec := get_poeta_rec_for_ccid
         (p_gl_code_combination_id => p_rec.code_combination_id);
      UPDATE xx_eligible_po_dist_4_gms_enc tab_poeta
      SET tab_poeta.project_id            = l_poeta_rec.project_id
         ,tab_poeta.expenditure_org_id    = l_poeta_rec.expenditure_org_id
         ,tab_poeta.expenditure_type      = l_poeta_rec.expenditure_type
         ,tab_poeta.task_id               = l_poeta_rec.task_id
         ,tab_poeta.award_id              = l_poeta_rec.award_id
         ,tab_poeta.expenditure_item_date = l_poeta_rec.expenditure_item_date
      WHERE tab_poeta.code_combination_id = p_rec.code_combination_id;
  END load_poeta_info_for_tab;

Step 4. Validate the POETA information loaded into above table by calling api's
                                (p_project_id            => p_rec.project_id
                                ,p_task_id               => p_rec.task_id
                                ,p_award_id              => p_rec.award_id
                                ,p_expenditure_type      => p_rec.expenditure_type
                                ,p_expenditure_item_date => p_rec.expenditure_item_date
                                ,p_calling_module        => '
                                ,p_outcome               => v_gms_outcome);
                                      ,141 --<EmployeeWithMaxApprovalLimit>
GBP' --x_denom_currency_code
GBP' --x_acct_currency_code
                                      ,p_rec.denom_raw_cost --denom_raw_cost
                                      ,p_rec.denom_raw_cost --x_acct_raw_cost
                                      ,NULL --x_acct_rate_type
                                      ,NULL --x_acct_rate_date
                                      ,NULL --x_acct_exchange_rate
                                      ,NULL --transfer_ei
                                      ,p_rec.expenditure_org_id --x_expenditure_org_id
                                      ,NULL --nl_resource_org_id
                                      ,NULL --transaction_source
POXPOEPO' --x_form_name
                                      ,1054 -- x_last_updated_by <GlobalApprover>
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute_category
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute1
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute2
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute3
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute4
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute5
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute6
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute7
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute8
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute9
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute10
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute11
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute12
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute13
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute14
                                      ,NULL --x_attribute15

The POETA records that fail validation must be flagged and reported, so that they are'nt processed for migration.
Step 5.
Now we are ready to roll. Finally Loop through the eligible PO Lines and move them to POETA.
Please find the psuedo code below
'Processing p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
                p_get_pos.po_header_id ||
' status=>' || p_get_pos.status);
        IF does_invvalid_account_exist(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id)
          RAISE gl_code_inactive;
        END IF;
        IF does_invalid_budget_acct_exist(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id)
          RAISE gl_code_inactive;
        END IF;
        IF check_invalid_locations_exists(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id)
          RAISE invalid_location;
        END IF;
--Now here we would only have the validated PO's.
--The POETA that was'nt validated were rejected during the
--validate_gms and validate_pa stages
        b_originally_reserved_flag := is_orig_po_reserved(p_get_pos.status);
        b_originally_approved_flag := is_orig_po_approved(p_get_pos.status);
        IF b_originally_reserved_flag AND
           non_reserved_line_exists(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id)
          RAISE unreserved_line_in_reserved_po;
        END IF;
        IF b_originally_reserved_flag AND
        does_del_more_than_order_exist(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id)
          RAISE delivered_more_than_ordered;       
        END IF ;
'Remove the association to Requisition.');
--the reason we do below, is to esure that REQ is not debited in gl_bc
        --when Unreserve is done.

--just updating attribute columns, hence no violation of Oracle support here
        UPDATE po_distributions_all
        SET attribute13              = req_header_reference_num ||
':' ||
                                       req_line_reference_num ||
':' ||
           ,req_header_reference_num = NULL
           ,req_line_reference_num   = NULL
           ,req_distribution_id      = NULL
           ,attribute12              = to_char(gl_encumbered_date
           ,gl_encumbered_date       = trunc(SYSDATE)
        WHERE po_header_id = p_get_pos.po_header_id;
        IF b_originally_reserved_flag
          IF NOT unreserve_po(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id
                             ,p_agent_id     => p_get_pos.agent_id)
            RAISE can_not_unreserve;
          END IF;
'Successfully unreserved p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        END IF;
/* Here comes the main Logic for splitting the distribution lines*/
        split_po_distribution_lines(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id);
        IF b_originally_reserved_flag
          IF NOT reserve_po(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id
                           ,p_agent_id     => p_get_pos.agent_id)
            RAISE can_not_reserve;
          END IF;
'Successfully re-reserved p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        END IF;
        IF b_originally_approved_flag
          IF NOT approve_po(p_po_header_id => p_get_pos.po_header_id
                           ,p_agent_id     => p_get_pos.agent_id)
            RAISE can_not_approve;
          END IF;
'Successfully re-approved p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        END IF;
        WHEN can_not_unreserve THEN
'Exception in unreserving p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        WHEN can_not_reserve THEN
'Exception in reserving p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        WHEN can_not_approve THEN
'Exception in approving p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        WHEN gl_code_inactive THEN
'GL Code is Inactive p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        WHEN unreserved_line_in_reserved_po THEN
'Unreserved Line Exists in Reserved PO. Skipping p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
        WHEN invalid_location THEN
'Invalid Location for Ship-to or Bill-to. Skipping p_get_pos.po_header_id=>'
           || p_get_pos.po_header_id);
        WHEN delivered_more_than_ordered THEN
'Delivered Qty more than ordered qty. Skipping  p_get_pos.po_header_id=>' ||
      UPDATE xx_eligible_po_dist_4_gms_enc
      SET processed_flag                 =
         ,po_status_after_process_is_run =
         ,status_updated_by_request_id   = fnd_global.conc_request_id
      WHERE po_header_id = p_get_pos.po_header_id;

    Usefull API code packages for various activities in this context are
    FUNCTION reserve_po(p_po_header_id IN INTEGER
                     ,p_agent_id     IN INTEGER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    l_dm_call_rec po_doc_manager_pub.dm_call_rec_type;
    x_progress    VARCHAR2(
    l_warning_msg VARCHAR2(
    x_mesg        VARCHAR2(
    l_attr_exist  NUMBER :=
    v_session_id  INTEGER := userenv(
    l_dm_call_rec.action              :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_type       :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_subtype    :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_id         := p_po_header_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.line_id             := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.shipment_id         := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.distribution_id     := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.employee_id         := p_agent_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.new_document_status := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.offline_code        := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.note                := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.approval_path_id    := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.forward_to_id       := p_agent_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.action_date         := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.override_funds      :=
-- Below are the output parameters
    l_dm_call_rec.info_request     := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.document_status  := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.online_report_id := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.return_code      := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.error_msg        := NULL;
/* This is the variable that contains the return value from the
    ** call to the DOC MANAGER:

    l_dm_call_rec.return_value := NULL;
/* Call the API that calls the Document manager */
'Before Calling doc_manager to RESERVE');
'After Calling doc_manager to RESERVE');
'RESERVE p_po_header_id=>' || p_po_header_id ||
' L_DM_CALL_REC.Return_Value=>' ||
    IF l_dm_call_rec.return_value =
    END IF;
--capture the fact that Doc Mgr could re-reserve the PO
    log_error(p_po_header_id           => p_po_header_id
             ,p_po_distribution_id     => NULL
             ,p_gl_code_combination_id => NULL
             ,p_field_name             =>
             ,p_error_text             => l_dm_call_rec.error_msg);
--if doc mgr returns status 0, then return true
--in all other cases, return FALSE
  END reserve_po;

    FUNCTION approve_po(p_po_header_id IN INTEGER
                     ,p_agent_id     IN INTEGER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    l_dm_call_rec po_doc_manager_pub.dm_call_rec_type;
    x_progress    VARCHAR2(
    l_warning_msg VARCHAR2(
    x_mesg        VARCHAR2(
    l_attr_exist  NUMBER :=
    v_session_id  INTEGER := userenv(
    l_dm_call_rec.action              :=
    l_dm_call_rec.action_date         := SYSDATE;
    l_dm_call_rec.document_type       :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_subtype    :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_id         := p_po_header_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.line_id             := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.shipment_id         := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.distribution_id     := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.employee_id         := g_buyer_employee_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.new_document_status :=
    l_dm_call_rec.offline_code        := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.note                := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.approval_path_id    := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.forward_to_id       := g_buyer_employee_id;
/*  L_DM_CALL_REC.Action_date    := NULL;*/
    l_dm_call_rec.override_funds :=
-- Below are the output parameters
    l_dm_call_rec.info_request     := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.document_status  := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.online_report_id := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.return_code      := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.error_msg        := NULL;
/* This is the variable that contains the return value from the
    ** call to the DOC MANAGER:

    l_dm_call_rec.return_value := NULL;
/* Call the API that calls the Document manager */
'APPROVE p_po_header_id=>' || p_po_header_id ||
' L_DM_CALL_REC.Return_Value=>' ||
--if doc mgr returns status 0, then return true
--in all other cases, return FALSE
    IF l_dm_call_rec.return_value =
    END IF;
    log_error(p_po_header_id           => p_po_header_id
             ,p_po_distribution_id     => NULL
             ,p_gl_code_combination_id => NULL
             ,p_field_name             =>
             ,p_error_text             => l_dm_call_rec.error_msg);
  END approve_po;

    FUNCTION unreserve_po(p_po_header_id IN INTEGER
                       ,p_agent_id     IN INTEGER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    l_dm_call_rec po_doc_manager_pub.dm_call_rec_type;
    x_progress    VARCHAR2(
    l_warning_msg VARCHAR2(
    x_mesg        VARCHAR2(
    l_attr_exist  NUMBER :=
    v_session_id  INTEGER := userenv(
    l_dm_call_rec.action              :=
    l_dm_call_rec.action_date         := SYSDATE;
    l_dm_call_rec.document_type       :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_subtype    :=
    l_dm_call_rec.document_id         := p_po_header_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.line_id             := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.shipment_id         := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.distribution_id     := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.employee_id         := p_agent_id;
    l_dm_call_rec.new_document_status := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.offline_code        := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.note                := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.approval_path_id    := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.forward_to_id       := p_agent_id;
/*  L_DM_CALL_REC.Action_date    := NULL;*/
    l_dm_call_rec.override_funds :=
-- Below are the output parameters
    l_dm_call_rec.info_request     := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.document_status  := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.online_report_id := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.return_code      := NULL;
    l_dm_call_rec.error_msg        := NULL;
/* This is the variable that contains the return value from the
    ** call to the DOC MANAGER:

    l_dm_call_rec.return_value := NULL;
/* Call the API that calls the Document manager */
'UNRESERVE p_po_header_id=>' || p_po_header_id ||
' L_DM_CALL_REC.Return_Value=>' ||
--if doc mgr returns status 0, then return true
--in all other cases, return FALSE
    IF l_dm_call_rec.return_value =
    END IF;
--capture the fact that Doc Mgr could not un-reserve the PO
    log_error(p_po_header_id           => p_po_header_id
             ,p_po_distribution_id     => NULL
             ,p_gl_code_combination_id => NULL
             ,p_field_name             =>
             ,p_error_text             => l_dm_call_rec.error_msg);
  END unreserve_po;

Step 6.
Run exceptions. I had written half a dozen SQLs for reconcilliation etc.

Step 7.
After reconcilliation, delete the Journals from GL_INTERFACE.
But before deletion please complete your reconcilliation.
You may decide not to delete those journals, but Oracle support gave  a nod to this.

Important notes for migration encumbrances to poeta

Note 1.
Internal to Oracle Encumbrances, two key tables are GMS_BC_PACKETS and GL_BC_PACKETS. Do not modify the data within these tables, treat these two tables as sacred tables. These tables are where the encumbrances are queued, which eventually hits the GL in GL_BALANCES. However, feel free to use gl_bc_packets to debug the progression of encumbrances. I learn quite a lot about encumbrances by merely studying the type of record that gets inserted into packet tables at various stages of PO/Req Entry, Approval, Reservation, Cancellation & Matching stages. The reference1 column in gl_bc_packets will tell you whether the Transaction is PO or REQ. There reference2 columns stores the respective header id, and reference3 stored the po_dist_id. Rest of the reference columns may be used, but I never bothered much as Ref1,2,3 sufficed for my requirements. Also, I must mention that GL_BC_PACKETS is for queuing encumbrances into GL. Once those encumbrances have been transferred and Posted, the respective records in GL_BC_PACKETS get deleted by running Oracle's concurrent process.

Note 2.
For some open PO's, you will be required for UnReserve, UnApprove, Modify PO with POETA and then Re-Reserve and Re-Approve the PO. For Re-Approval, make sure that your data migration Concurrent Process runs via an FND_USER that is attached to an Employee that has the highest approval limit across all cost centres for your client.

Note 3.
Given that during migration to POETA, we re-reserve the Purchase Orders, it is necessary that all the Awards against which encumbrances are being migrated have Advisory Funds Check Level. You may as well set the Advisory level to None for those Awards. This must be taken care of when migrating the Awards into Oracle Grants Accounting.

Note 4.
My client did not use internal Purchase Orders or Requisitions, hence I did not deal with those transactions. However the underlying principles must remain the same.

Note 5.
This migration task worked upon the Open Purchase Orders that had following possible statuses. I defined a global variable for each such status
  g_status_approved             VARCHAR2(50) := 'Approved';
  g_status_approved_reserved    VARCHAR2(50) := 'Approved, Reserved';
  g_status_in_process           VARCHAR2(50) := 'In Process';
  g_status_in_process_reserved  VARCHAR2(50) := 'In Process, Reserved';
  g_status_incomplete           VARCHAR2(50) := 'Incomplete';
  g_status_incomplete_reserved  VARCHAR2(50) := 'Incomplete, Reserved';
  g_status_requires_reapproval  VARCHAR2(50) := 'Requires Reapproval';
  g_status_requires_re_reserved VARCHAR2(50) := 'Requires Reapproval, Reserved';

Note 6. The Award_id that you see in po_distributions_all is not the gms_awards.award_id. For the PO_DISTRIBUTION Award_id you need to create adsl. Used Oracle API for doing so.

Note 7.
We used document manager API for Re-Approval of Purchase Order, Reservation of Purchase Order and also for Unreserving the Purchase Order.
Given that the document manager api sends a pipe signal that is read by doc mgr it happens in a different session. Not only  that, being run by a conc mgr, the doc mgr has limited slots hence give a sleep command before and after each document manager call. Reason we need to do this is to ensure that your loop execution is not faster than the load which Document Manager can undertake.

Note 8.
My client was based in UK, and they had only one single SOB. Hence i felt no risk in hardcoding the Currency Code to GBP.

Anil Passi


0 #1 Amit 2007-05-05 00:00
Hi Anil,

I really admire you for providing all these stuff to the whole world.....God bless you.

I am a functional consultant in Oracle Projects. Pls answer some of my questions..

1. What is the scope of this application across the world as I dont find many business implementing this module?

2. Also do have you any special blog for Oracle Projects specifically? As I could not find much on Oracle Projects at your site if not where could I find this that is similar like yours.

Regar ds
0 #2 mayur 2007-05-09 00:00
Hi Anil,
I want to learn about the oracle projects fundamentals.

As you are articles are very fundu..I was looking to get any info for ioracle projects.
Can you tell some fundu resources for it?

0 #3 Anil Passi 2007-05-09 00:00
Hi Mayur

Projec ts itself is a fundu module :-)

Tell me what is that you do not understand about Oracle Projects? I will try to explain

Chee rs
0 #4 Pakshi 2007-06-27 00:00
I want to update the po closure code ,
is it any API avilable ?

0 #5 AshishA 2007-09-04 05:10
Hi Anil,

Great Article. With reference to your first comment - that oracle functionality is very rich and stable - I have also read about issues that happen when you perform operations like cancellation of auto-created PO lines, change received shipments, unit price variance with final closing - if true, this will have impact of GL updates (from sub-ledgers) to encumberance update. What is your experience in such situations?
0 #6 deepu 2007-09-07 05:55
Hi Anil,

Really you are grate bcoz you are supporting to all world in oracle ERP, God Bless You.

Anil i am new in oracle apps, i want understand the module procure to pay, really i am facing more problem please tell me how can i well learn about this.
0 #7 Shwetatiwari 2007-10-19 06:01
Hi ,
I am trying to do a ship confirm via an API in the Custom schema.
i m gettin the following error:ORA-00942 : table or view does not exist in Package WSH_DELIVERIES_ PUB Procedure _x_
I did give grant to all the object (Tables And Pkgs )In apps.Still no luck .
Any Suggestions?

T hanks
0 #8 vinodkumar bankupalli 2008-02-08 11:12

can i ask any functional related issues to you

vin od
0 #9 Sunil Shinde 2008-02-11 14:40
Hi Anil

I am a functional consultant in Oracle Projects.

1. If you update more articles related to Oracle Projects Accounting will be more feasible to the novice to go thru all the implementation phase. or else if you have any special blog for Oracle Projects specifically? As I could not find much on Oracle Projects at your site if not where could I find this that is similar like yours.

0 #10 AshwiniAA 2008-05-22 15:42
hi Anil

In a Invoice Entry form after entering to the distribution level information. We have the "Account" field to be entered. This field pos up a window showing our accounting flexfield structure. It tried to validate based on the security rules assigned for the particular responsibility.

Please can you tell me the underlying functionality of validating the flexfield segment values. With respect to some function gets triggered to validate.

Please let me know.

A shwini
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0 #12 SLOT ONLINE 2021-08-12 06:44
An intriguing discussion is definitely worth comment.
I ddo believe that you should write more about this subject
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