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Java is a programming language which is secure and reliable, and not specific to any one processor or Operating System. Web service helps in communication between two applications for the purpose of exchanging data using XML, SOAP, REST, and many more. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language which was designed to describe data in a format which is comprehensible to humans and machines.

Course Contents

Day 1

Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) and Introduction to Java

What is OOPS and OOPS concepts overview
What is Java and its working
Introducing Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
Setting up Java environment
How to use Java and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)?
Demonstrating Hello world program
Programming in JAVA
Classes and Objects in Java
Importing Java Libraries
Java basic Data types - BYTE, INT, LONG, FLOAT etc, Java Strings and arrays
Java loops- FOR, WHILE, DO.WHILE
Java Decision making statements - IF - ELSE IF - ESLSE - SWITCH-CASE
Java basic operators - Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Bitwise Operators, Logical Operators,
Assignment Operators and Misc Operators
Writing Java Methods


Day 2

Programming in Java - Continued ...

Discussing OOPS in Java - Java Inheritance, Java overriding, Java Polymorphism, Java abstraction,
Java encapsulation, Java interfaces
Concept of packages in Java
Java Variable types - local, instance, static variables and using variables in Java program
Java Modifier types - Access modifiers such as public, private, protected and package private
Non-access modifiers such as static, final, abstract etc
Java Handling exceptions using try - catch - throw

Day 3

Advance Java Programming

Using Java collections - ArrayList, Linked Lists, HashMaps, Sets etc.,
Java Files IO (Input/output) operations
Demonstration and assignments on topics discussed


Day 4

Learning XML

Fundamentals of XML - What is XML?, XML structure
XML syntax - content and markup
XML element and attribute declarations
XML parameter entities and XML Namespaces
XML validation using Doctypes, Validator, XML DTD, and XML schema
XML parser, XML DOM, XML in HTML and XML in real life

Day 5

REST Representational State Transfer )

Introduction to Java web services API
IDE setup, JavaEE Environment setup with Glassfish server to build, host and consume web service

Building and consuming custom SOAP web services in Java

Build web service client through Stub generation and Consume web service by Calling the service
Code custom web service and deploy to Glassfish server
Accepting input parameters through web services to achieve sending and receiving of data through
web services
Understanding WSDL at depth and customizing WSDL
Schema types and Binding styles in WSDL
Using JAXB annotations and role of XML in web services
Testing web services using Soap UI

Day 6

Building and consuming custom REST web services in Java

Introduction to developing REST API using JAX-RS
All about REST and HTTP
Build a simple RESTful API using JAX-RS
RESTful URI types and the HTTP methods



Training Hours

Start Date:  
Duration: 6 Days
Training Scheddule:  
Timing: 12:00 NOON GMT | 07:00AM EST | 4:00AM PST | 6:00AM CST | 5:00AM MST | 5:30PM IST  | 01:00PM GMT+1


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