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Seeing more closely

Momentum for DevOps already well underway in many organizations in the last few years. What I've seen that specially late 2018 and 2019, DevOps has really become the focus area for many organizations who are looking for a change in they work and build, test, deploy and release their software to the market. Having said that, I see some trends where customers are really trending towards now and future.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is the way forward and how it can change the way applications are being developed, tested, and operated. With Serverless Computing Companies can focus primarily on application development, while server provisions are taken care of by cloud providers and managers. Serverless Computing allows companies to pay for their usage which can significantly reduce their operating cost. Serverless Computing allows organizations to achieve professional agility and efficiency in the long run. More details can be found on Wikipedia.

Embedding Security

One of the high priority of any application software would be to ensure the software is not prone to any security breaches. Embedding Security is most effective when it is planned and managed throughout every stage of software development life cycle (SDLC). Embedding Security as part of the DevOps pipeline will ensure:

  • Existing people, processes and tools to successfully drive security requirements into solutions
  • Enable development teams to succeed in creating secure application
  • Secure applications from plan and design phases to on-going operations and retirement
  • Embrace new technologies

More details can be found on Wikipedia.

Everything as Code

With how the infrastructure these days is provisioned using code, there is no denying the fact that code scripts is the way forward. Today's modern tooling ecosystem that operations and DevOps engineers need to understand how almost everything can be created / re-created using just code. Some of the examples include:

  1. Configuration management - Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack etc
  2. Containers — Docker or other Open Containers
  3. Infrastructure as Code — Terraform
  4. Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Delivery(CD) — Jenkins and the Jenkinsfile, Travis CI and the travis.yaml file, TeamCity and Kotlin etc

Automation Everywhere

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science has become a game-changer in this modern era. AI is almost embedded in most of the application these days and is enabling DevOps teams to seek out automation possibilities to find opportunities within their workflow streams. As DevOps matures within the organisation and the amount of data generated increases day by day, it can lead to many insights which can then be used by artificial intelligence and data science for generating useful insights.

Microservices Architecture for DevOps

These days, Microservices is one of the most preferred architectures for software development. Since it follows the idea of breaking down an application into decoupled, independent modules that makes continuous deployments seamless. Once an application module is ready, it can be deployed to maintain a continuous delivery pipeline. The DevOps and Microservices collaboration will help the development team to eliminate dependencies, which will ultimately lead to faster product delivery in the market.


Day by day DevOps is improving with the emphasis on process improvement, ease of operation and faster feedback. With the above strong trends, we would see a rapid shift on how we would deliver and operate software going forward.


Sunil Khatri


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Sunil Khatri

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