
Can someone help in clarifying a doubt related to roles.

Details - Fusion R13: When a job role assigned to an employee or employee user, he is getting data access to all BU's by default without adding BU at Manage Data Access for users.

But for an implementation user this is not the case. He is getting access only when specific BU is assigned.

Please share some input and help me in clarifying this doubt.

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, May 31 2018, 07:10 AM - #Permalink
    From R13, job roles behaves as a View all role with all data access. In case you assign a Human Resource Specialist Job role to a user, the user will have full data access.
    For implementation user: Try to remove all the roles from this user, assign only the job role and notice the behavior.
    • Milind Bendwal
      more than a month ago
      Thanks for your help Pravin. I'll check as per your suggestion.
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