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Smart Descriptive Flexfields


In this article, I would like to explain some tricks with context sensitive Descriptive Flexfields. To begin with lets consider some scenarios as below.


Scenario 1. Depending upon the responsibility user has logged into, you wish to either show two flexfield segemts or three segments. This is a fairly common requirement.

Scenario 2. There are two different oracle screens, both based on same table but different functionality. Hence the share the same descriptive flexfields. You wish to use notation :block.fieldname in the value set. But this will work in one screen and error in another.

Can't we simply use context sensitive flexfields?

You certainly can. However, what if you do not want to make your user select the value in context field manually? In this case you need to take your design a step further.

In fact, before you proceed further with this article, you must read this link Basic Concepts of Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields.

In case you do not know much about profile options, you must also read link basic concepts of Profile Options

What are the options at hand for solutions to Scenatio 1 and Scenario 2?

Option 1. Use profile option as the context

Option 2. Use a system global variable as the context.

How does this work?

In case of using profile option, value in Context Reference Field of the descriptive flexfield will be the profile option[see picture below].

Lets say for Responsibility-1 this profile is set to XX, and for Responsibility-2 this profile is set to YY, and for a special user this profile is set to value ZZ.


You can then define three different contexts, as below.

Context XX

  Uses attribute1 and attribute2, using value sets vs1 and vs2

Context YY

  Uses attribute 1, using value set vs3

Context ZZ

  Uses attribute2 with value set vs4 , making this descriptive flexfield segment mandatory.

Depending upon which responsibility user logs into, and also depending upon which user logs into the screen, they will see different flexfield segments popping up.

Ah, what if same user in a single responsibility has access to different screens that share same DFF?

In this scenario, you can design your descriptive flexfield on a System variable context. Hence your context will be :SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM. Depending upon which form the user has navigated to, they will see different segments.

Note: Use Examine utility to find out the Current Form Name

Sounds good, but what are the pitfalls?

1. :blockname.fieldname convention does not works for OA Framework screens.

2. There is only one context reference field available per Descriptive Flexfield. If you choose to have your DFF context sensitive on a profile option, then you will have to live with it forever(ah should I say fusion-when D2K forms are gone). However this limitation can be overcome by using fnd_profile.put api, to alter the profile option value at runtime for forms session. Effectively you can modify the context[by changing profile option value pragmatically], using forms personalizations.

How about OA Framework? Do we need these design methodology in OA Framework too?

Not really, because in OA Framework, you can use personalizations to decide which Context + Attribute combination must be displayed. Personalizations can be performed at responsibility level to get the desired result as discussed in example above.

Anil Passi


0 #1 emmanuel 2007-01-31 00:00
Hi Anil,
I really appreciate your site. Its very educational. Thanks for the info. I am doing some thing along the DFF lines. When we query Address DFF in Receivables, I am trying to add my custom valuesets for the code AS_DEFAULT segments for City, State, County and Postal Code. When i choose Postal code based on that other columns needs to be populated. Is it possible. If so can you give me an idea. Appreciate your feedback. And Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Emman uel.
0 #2 Kishore Ryali 2007-03-27 00:00
Hi Anil
I have a doubt regarding how to change the context using custom.pll or form personalisation ?

Since the context is not defined as a field in the form, u cannot identify the context field just by saying :block.field_na me
If it is the case, we cannot populate a value into context field using custom.pll or form personalization .

then how do we achieve the above?

Kishore Ryali
0 #3 Anil Passi 2007-03-28 00:00
Hi Kishore

Assu ming you have context sensitive DFF, if context is not based on field, then it will be based either on Profile option or on global variable.

Yo u can use forms customization to call fnd_profile.set for changing profile value for your current session and see if DFF responds to the dynamic change in context value.

thank s
0 #4 Kishore Ryali 2007-03-29 00:00
Hi Anil
thnx for the reply

so if the context is dependent on profile or global variable, we have to use tht profile in context reference field and populate the profile value programmaticall y using custom.pll/fp.

thnx again.

Regar ds
0 #5 Prasad Kotha 2007-04-18 00:00
The Invoice Line Information DFF is used in AR Transactions Form and AR Credit Transactions form. I need to set a Reference Field of BATCH_SOURCE name in both the Forms. How can I achieve this?

0 #6 Neerja Dhillon 2007-08-16 18:22

I recently came across your blog and am very impressed with the work you are doing. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge with others in such detail.

Below is my issue:

'PO Distributions' DFF is used by both PO Entry/'POXPOEPO ' and PO Summary/POXPOVP O (View Only) forms.
Two of the PO Distribution DFF Segments have a Value Set with :Block.field reference. The value set uses the :block.field as seen in the PO Entry Form (block name is different on PO Summary Distributions Form). PO Entry forms PO Distributions are not an issue. However, there is an error when accessing PO Distributions from the PO Summary form. The error is due to the :block.field reference on the value set where clause.

I read above to use :SYSTEM.CURRENT _FORM as a reference field. I tried that but the forms are still accessing the Global Data Elements Segments. Below is what I did:

Reference Field: :SYSTEM.CURRENT _FORM
Context Field Values
Global Data Elements (original defintion)
POXP OEPO (defined two segments attribute 1 and 2 with the value set with :block.field reference.)
POX POVPO (defined two segments without Value Sets since this is a view only form)

What am I doing wrong and how do I make this work?

Any help would be appreciated.

T hanks,
0 #7 som 2007-10-23 17:52
Business requirement:

F ND Lookup Form - Common Lookups
The DFF in Lookup Values has 2 contexts, freight and ship method.
User Query for Lookup Type = Carrier.
DFF should show both the contexts so that user may set or unset the values for any context value.

NOW: User queries Ship_Method
DFF should not show the context Freight. It should only show "Ship_Method"

Is it possible to hide Contexts in DFF?

S om
0 #8 Anil Passi 2007-10-23 23:08
Hi Som

The Display Context checkbox can be unchecked to hide the context field.
However, if context is being displayed, then there is no way for you to display selective Context values Only

I suggest you register the lookup type itself as a context reference
See below image

Anil Passi
0 #9 Sumeru Dhimbale 2007-10-25 13:52
Hi Anil,
Could you please explain how can I use profile option as context field for a DFF.
I think you have done it already but unfortunately images are not visible on this page so I think I cannot see corressponding screenshot.

T hanks buddy , you are of great help, keep up the good work.

S umeru
0 #10 Nilesh Goyal 2007-11-06 12:45
Hi Anil,

When I try to copy order lines to an existing order or do mass change in the order lines I get the following error:
-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --
The flexfield on this field contains a flexfield bind variable with a :BLOCK.FIELD reference. This prohibits operation in the mode that optimizes performance over a
wide-area network.To continue using this form, have the system administrator either remove all :BLOCK.FIELD references, or turn off wide area operation by setting the profile option - Flexfields: Validate on Server to N. The reference may be in a WHERE_CLAUSE token passed into the flexfield definition in the form, a WHERE clause in a table-validated value set, or a default value for one of the segments of this flexfield.
---- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------

I checked the value of Flexfields: Validate on Server -> it is set to N

Navigation for copy order:
open the sales order form--> query on an order -- > go to lines -- >click on actions -->click on copy--> to existing
order (put an existing order number)-- >click ok
Navigation for mass change:
open the sales order form--> query on an order -- > go to lines --> to to edit menu--> click select all --> click on tools--> click on mass change --
>mass change form comes up -- > click on the DFF on the mass change form -- > enter values in few segments -- >click ok

I have :block.field reference at two places in sales order dffs
a)header additional information dff definition - context field (reference field) as :order.context
b)in the context values, some segments had default value as some value from :order.freight_ term_code or value set had a field in where clause as :order.creation _date
c)similar ly to b, lines dff had segments refering to :block.field values

a) for the header dff- replaced the reference field with a global variable (which i instantiated in the new form instance and assigned a value to it in the new item instance of header dff
b and c) did same as for a) above

a) Now Iam able to copy the order when I do copy headers and copy lines or copy to a new order in the copy tab (actions button) but when I try to copy it to the existing order it shows the :block.field error
b) similarly in mass change form iam getting this error

Can you pls help?

N ilesh
0 #11 Justin 2008-03-01 15:41
hi anil,
can we have context fields in the concurrent request parameter form, so that we can dynamically include or exclude parameters.

re gards
0 #12 Anil Passi 2008-03-01 16:34
Hi Justin

Not really, thats not possible.
Howev er, you can make one valueset dependent upon value in other.
Hence Parameters can have inter-dependenc y of their values

+1 #13 sanjay jha 2008-03-06 13:07
Hi I have requirement that the next DFF field should be displayed or not displayed depending upon the value entered in previous field , how can we achieve this .
Please guide .
0 #14 Al Dhalla 2010-04-04 11:02
Hi Anil;

As per your suggestion, I defined a profile option called ERSFILTER, assigned it at a responsibility level to responsibility RESP_TEST_DFF and assigned a value of 'XXX'. Also, in Register Descriptive Flexfields Form, I coded the Reference Field as :PROFILES.ERSFI LTER and I also coded Context Field Values Code of XXX. However, when I sign in via responsibility RESP_TEST_DFF, I encounter the error 'APP_FND-00676: The flexfield routine FDFGDC cannot read the default reference field specified for this descriptive flexfield. The developer specified a context field that does not exist in this block of this form. Did I miss a step? (We're on 11.5.10)

Thank s, Al
0 #15 Basil 2010-05-05 07:01
For anyone got the error, just replace teh :PROFILES.Profi le_name with :$PROFILES$.Pro file_name
and it'll works with you, I faced the same issue and now it's solved.
0 #16 Anjana Ghosh 2011-11-04 14:11
Hi Anil, Great site and kudos to you for sharing knowledge, in this day and time, when people are holding to what they know.
Problem: I'm creating a context sensitive DFF at the Invoice Line, field: Default Distribution. If the user enters s specific value int he accounting string for the 'natural account', he should then enter the values for 2 segments. I registerd the DFF, "LINE_SUM_FOLDE R.DEFAULT_ACCOU NT", and enabled the value in the "Context Field Values". But when I enter the distribution at the Invoice Line, the 2 segments against the context sensitive value is not displayed, and all we see is a greyed out "Reference field" which we called "Context". What are we missing? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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