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This article must be read, after you have read Design of Simple OA Framework Page to interact with Table.

Here we will see the non-programming steps[done by mouse clicks in jDeveloper] for this OA Framework exercise, to create a screen that interacts with table.

Create a table, as below.

CREATE TABLE xx_oaf_demo_simple_01


 person_id integer

,first_name varchar2(30)

,last_name varchar2(30)

,CREATION_DATE               DATE

,CREATED_BY                  NUMBER(15)


,LAST_UPDATED_BY             NUMBER(15)


) ;

Note: Ensure that you have picked columns for Record History too.


Create a BC4J Package for our OA Framework exercise, which in this case is xx.oracle.apps.ak.demosimple01

You will be prompted to create an EO, but simply click on finish without selecting our table.

Rightclick on BC4J, to create new Entity Object

Name: XxOafDemoSimple01
Packae: xx.oracle.apps.ak.demosimple01
Schema Object: XX_OAF_DEMO_SIMPLE_01
DataBase Schema: APPS

Select our table in the field "Schema Object" as above. Keep clicking on next after having selected the table. In the last step, you can Select the checkbox that prompts to create a default ViewObject for this ViewObject.

A default view object named XxOafDemoSimple01View will be created.

Note: Note the default instance name of the VO is XxOafDemoSimple01View1

This name will be used when referencing the VO Programatically.

Now, lets create the page.

Lets call it simpleTablePG, and also create a region of style PageLayout. Call this region MainRegionRN

Name: simpleTablePG
Package: xx.oracle.apps.ak.demosimple01.webui


Right click on the region to create new Controller for that region. We call this controller demoSimpleTableCO

Package Name: xx.oracle.apps.ak.demosimple01.webui

Class Name: demoSimpleTableCO


Lets create a nested/child region[within MainRegionRN], but this time using Wizard.

Click on MainRegionRN
Region Using Wizard


In the wizard, select the AM and view object on which this region will be based.

Application Module: xx.oracle.apps.ak.demosimple01 .Demosimple01AM
Available View Usages: XxOafDemoSimple01View1

The wizard will create all the fields in the screen, for each column in ViewObject

You will need to set Displayed to No for the record history fields.

Region ID: XxOafDemoSimple01View1
Region Style: rowLayout

Create a Button, no screenshot needed here, simply use steps from HelloWorld example for doing this.



Not lets have a look at programming bits for this screen.

Please click this link to see the details of programming steps

Anil Passi


0 #1 Anil Passi 2007-03-06 00:00
Hi Ramesh

Wizar d will not ask you for BC4J again.
It will simply ask you for the Application Module [AM].

Please select the same AM that you had attached to properties of MainRegionRN [under bc4j/AM Definition in property pallete]

Tha nks
0 #2 Arun Reddy 2007-08-29 10:25
Hi Anil,

Iam very new to this OAF technology.
Bas ically I'm Apps Techno Functional Consultant.
I want to learn OAF as Fusion is going to use OAF.
Can you please let me know what are the minimum prerequisities I need on my PC to pracitce the OAF articles posted on this website.
I have bit confusion about Fusion.I read some where that Fusion is going to use ADF.
Is ADF and OAF both are same?
Can you please clarify my doubts.

Regard s,
Arun Reddy
0 #3 Anil Passi 2007-08-30 05:50
Hi Arun

You need ideally at least 1GB RAM and connectivity to Database with APPS instance.

Fusi on will use ADF, but the BC4J layer will remain[although will be enhanced]

In OAF we do a lot of programming, speficially in controllers. But inn ADF there will be a lot less programming required

Thank s,
Anil Passi
0 #4 avanindra 2008-03-06 20:00
Hi anil,

I have stuck in a problem, I have to show some of the rows in a table in different color depending on one particular attribute's value of the view object which is associated with the table...Can you please answer me how to do that?
0 #5 oadeveloper 2008-12-01 05:44
Hi Anil,
I'm using R12, and I'm trying to follolw your example.. I've created all, but when I'm trying to create the 2nd region it appears a message saying that the AM must be created.. Where/when/how is AM created? I created the CO.. but just only that.... no AM was created automatically.. .

0 #6 rabindra mishra 2009-11-23 09:36
my requirement is create a login page,there is a button name forget pass if any one click the button then it show a new page for email ,if you give the mail id and submit it. a notification mail is going to the user account that you pass is this.

how i create it,pl help me.

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