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We all know how to do the personalizations/Extensions; in this article we will see how to translate the personalizations/ Extensions done in a multi language environment.

Consider a scenario where you want to extend a view to add additional column in the result table in a multi language environment (e.g. French and English)

As usual you will extend the view, do the substitution and correspondingly create a new item in the result table using personalization.

Now after deployment of your personalization when you log in as an English user you will be able to see the additional column in the result table with English prompt.

But when you login after selecting French language, still you will see the newly added columns prompt in English where as rest of the columns prompt will be in French.

Which I guess is not acceptable to your client.

Now before resolving this issue we will see the actual problem first.

1) First of all as usual we will do our personalization and language selected at that time will be English

2) Navigate to the desired page

3) Consider the requirement as adding Supplier Site in the Supplier Result Table which is currently not there

4) After you do the Personalization/Extension the field will be shown in the table as followed.

5) Now check the same page with language selected as French

6) Navigate to the desired page

7) You will see that apart from the new column that you have added every other column’s prompt is in French

Now the question is how oracle itself handles translation for its seeded pages?

In a Multilanguage environment for each installed language Oracle keeps one xliff file for each page, which in turn contains the translation of each item present ion that page.

For example if you have an Environment where the three languages supported are Polish, English and French, then for each of this language there will be one xliff file for each page.

Before doing translations following 2 profile options must be set at site level

 Fnd Xliff Export Root Path / FND_XLIFF_EXPORT_ROOT_PATH
You will set this root path to generate the full path where the XLIFF files are exported when you extract your translated personalization’s using the Extract Translation Files page in OA Personalization Framework. T

 Fnd Xliff Import Root Path / FND_XLIFF_IMPORT_ROOT_PATH

Use this profile option to set the root path used to derive the full path from where the Xliff files are uploaded when you use the Upload Translations page in OA Personalization Framework to upload translated personalizations.

Now we will see how to do the translations.

• Now navigate to the personalization page where you have added the new column

• Over here click on the Manage Levels

• On this page Select your personalization that you want and click on translate

• Over here provide your translation, in this case French translation of “Supplier Site” i.e. “Fournisseur du site” (Courtesy Google Translator) and then click on apply button

• Now again select your personalization and click on Extract Translations button

• ON this screen select the language that you want to translate as a translation document will be created for each language that you have selected.

• In this case we will select French as and then click on Apply button, the translated document is exported to the Export root path that you have defined earlier.

• Now again select your Personalization and click on upload Translations Button.

• On this page select your translation and click on Apply button. This in turn takes the translation file from the Upload root path that you have defined earlier.

• Now login to the instance by selecting language as French

• Navigate to the desired page

• And now if you check the supplier site column prompt is in French and not in English

• Export root path that you have defined at site level will have a directory whose name will be a combination of language and territory code. In turn this directory contains the XLIFF file.

• The structure of the file is as followed.

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<xliff version="1.0">
<file datatype="jdr" original="_oracle_apps_pos_supplier_webui_customizations_function_POS_HT_SP_B_SUPP_SuppSummPG" product-version="$Header$" source-language="en-US" target-language="fr-FR">
<trans-unit id=".oracle.apps.pos.supplier.webui.customizations.function.POS_HT_SP_B_SUPP.SuppSummPG..Supp_Site...prompt" translate="yes" maxbytes="4000" maxwidth="32" size-unit="char">
<source>Supplier Site</source>
<target>Fournisseur du site</target>
<prop-group name="ora_untranslatable">
<prop prop-type="tagName">messageTextInput</prop>
<prop prop-type="attributeName">prompt</prop>

• In the file, datatype tag tells us that the source language is American English (en-US language followed by territory code ) and the target language is French (fr-FR)
• Source tag tells us the original text in target language and target prompt gives us the translated text for the original text.

Anant Nimbalkar


0 #1 Rohini 2008-04-10 11:07
Very Nice article ... very useful.

Cheers ,
0 #2 kishore Ryali 2008-04-10 13:09
Well written Anant. Thanks for sharing.
0 #3 Siddharth 2008-04-11 05:40
very good and practical article with screen shots... keep it up...
0 #4 shaik sheru 2008-04-18 06:50

We implemented Oracle iRecruitment and land up with one issue. The issue goes like this
Client have two groups at India and England both have different websites login to the Oracle iRecruitment.Th e issue comes here when they login from England web sites they want to view company logo and when login through India website they don’t want to see the logo.

Let me sum of the issue with example:

We have to web sites one is ABCD.COM and 1234.COM and one Oracle iRecruitment home page.

Case 1:

When they login from ABCD.COM can view company LOGO and

When they login from 1234.COM cannot view company LOGO.

Please let me is it possible.

Rega rds,
Fazlullah Shaik
0 #5 VinodKunjan 2008-04-20 06:15
Hi Ananat

Your steps are great.

Can you also write something on how translations can be defined for custom pages.

0 #6 Anant Nimbalkar 2008-04-21 08:01
Hi Vinod,

In a multi language environment Oracle provides translation files i.e. XLF files for each seeded page and these pages resides in corresponding language folder. For example the environment in which i work the two supported foreign languages arre Frech and Polish.Now if I want to see the translation file for DocumentApprova lPG.xml , then I will do the following thing.
1) Connect to the telnet instance and navigate to $PO_TOP/mds/inv oice/approval/d ocument/webui (to search for any seeded page go to the corresponding application top and there in mds folder)
2) Here apart from actual page's xml file you will find two folders with names F and PL (F for France and PL for polish)
3) Now in F folder we will have xlf file for French language and in PL folder we will have xlf file for polish language.
4) The structure of this xlf file will be as followed

Appro uver

su bmitButton

. ........
...... ...

5) For each item on your page (which has some prompt) there will be a trans-unit tag in this xlf file.
6) trans-unit id tag gives us that page items details like what type of item it is its width size etc.
7) The main tags which are we concerned about are source and target [] tags
8) Source tag gives us the prompt in original laanguage and target tag gives us the translation of the prompt in the corresponding language. In this case its in french
9) Now for a custom page what we have to do is copy one of the seeded page's xlf file and correspondingly change it for the items available on your custom page (I know its a tedious task ) ;)
10) This custom xlf file should be placed in appropriate language directory under your custom path for e.g. if your custom page path is xxx/oracle/apps /ap/approval/Ap provalPG.xml then the french translation xlf file will be in the following path xxx/oracle/apps /ap/approval/F/ ApprovalPG.xlf
11) later using Xlf importer/export er command you need to import/export this file so the translations should be available when you check using French login.

Hope this information was useful.

Cheers ,
0 #7 Anant Nimbalkar 2008-04-21 08:03
In last update though I have added the xlf file content it didnt appear, so giving it again

Approu ver

sub mitButton
0 #8 Anant Nimbalkar 2008-04-22 05:44
0 #9 VinodKunjan 2008-04-26 06:38
Thanks for our help Anant
0 #10 VinodKunjan 2008-04-26 06:38
Thanks for your help Anant.

0 #11 shan 2010-10-03 15:23
Saw the article gud one.Congratz once again.
0 #12 Murugesh 2011-04-05 06:32
Very good article with simple language and screen shots good work
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0 #14 AlexSash 2013-03-05 08:31

I use the following command to import xlf file to database.

$OA_ JRE_TOP/bin/jav a oracle.jrad.too ls.trans.imp.XL IFFImporter /tmp/custdocs/o racle/apps/po/d ocument/order/w ebui/customizat ions/function/P O_ORDER/en-US/O rderHeaderRN.xl f -username APPS -password $APPS_PWD -dbconnection $HOST_NAME:$POR T:$INSTANCE_NAM E

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