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Jdeveloper 9i OAF - Object Editor

Need a help.I am working in jdev 9i for OAF and it different from latest jdeveloper.
I can see only system navigator in Jdeveloper no application developer.I want to edit a existing custom VO but I can only open in xml editor not like in latest jdeveloper where we can open in object editor.
Want to know is there any setting in Jdev 9i to use object editor or it is not available in jdev 9i?
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 20 2016, 10:40 AM - #Permalink
    Hi Sreejit,

    Hope you are doing well.

    For VO Extension there is no much difference between Jdeveloper 9i and Jdeveloper 10g.

    Steps required:
    1. You need to make a workspace and project in jdeveloper 9i.
    2. you need to take existing VO classes and server.xml file from unix.
    3. Add server.xml (it should have your VO Entry) in project.
    4. Create new VO with extension of old VO.
    5. Deploy and bounce apache (bounce steps will be different in apps 11i)

    Hope this help.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 20 2016, 04:15 PM - #Permalink

    The question was not about VO extension in 9i and version above 9i. Sorry if my question was not clear, let me try to explain again.The question was about the Jdeveloper Editor.when I opened the existing VO (custom one previously developed not oracle standard VO) in jdeveloper 9i.I can see the VO.xml, VOimpl.xml and VORowImpl.xml in the navigator, not like in new version where we will see VO in navigator and when we click VO it shows its java and xml files in Structure window.
    In jdev 9i, I can see only System Navigator no Application navigator. View - Application Navigator does not exists.In new version of jdev, we can right click VO and edit it, it will open VO in Object Editor buy not able to do in jdev 9i? Is it possible to open VO in object editor in Jdev 9i?
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