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Order Management


Please provide me the answers for the below questions :

1. When we ship confirm, a program runs at background - Interface Trip stop. What is the significance of this program? Is this the program which puts the data into AR interface tables?

2. What does the workflow background process do other than running Auto invoice Master program and Auto invoice Import program?

3. Auto invoice Import program gets the data from the AR interface tables and puts the data into AR base tables and creates AR Invoice. Is my understanding correct?
Thank you,

Yamini H Ravindra
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 20 2016, 07:47 AM - #Permalink
    Hi Yamini,

    Below are the answers to your questions;

    1. There are two parts of Interface Trip Stop
    A. in first part It process the data related to Order Management.

    it make update on oe_order_lines_all table as well as wsh-delivery_details

    Note: once the first part executed successfully only then SECOND phase of ITS has triggered, If FIRST part error out for some reason then 2nd part will not be triggered

    B. in the second pahse it processes data related to Inventory.

    it releases the reservations and decrease inventory levels.

    2. Workflow Background Process inserts the records into RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL with

    And spawns Auto invoice Master Program and Auto invoice import program which creates Invoice for that particular Order

    3. Yes Auto invoice Import program gets the data from the AR interface tables and puts the data into AR base tables and creates AR Invoice, below tables will be affected.

    RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL will have the Invoice header information. The column INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1 will have the Order Number.
    RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL will have the Invoice lines information. The column INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 will have the Order Number.

    I hope I answered your questions, please feel free in case you need more help on this

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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 24 2016, 01:15 AM - #Permalink
    Thank You so much Nitesh
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