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In this article, let us see what Profile Management is and what the components of the Profile Management are.


Oracle Fusion Profile Management enables a Line Manager to trace a worker’s skills, competencies, language skills and accomplishments for various talent management activities such as identifying training needs, performance management etc.

With this application, a HR specialist can search profiles for workers, jobs and positions with certain criteria. For example, a HR specialist can search for profiles of all employees that have experience with Java to fill a Java Developer position.

The comparison feature in this application will enable you to compare your profile with a job profile to determine your competency ratings. Using this feature you can determine the next career move or if any training needed.

The best-fit analysis feature can help determine the person profile that closely matches a job profile or job that are similar to a selected job. 

Oracle Fusion Profile Management Components:

Content Subscribers
These are applications external to Oracle Fusion Profile Management that use content types like HRMS for Human Resources, HRTR for Talent Review. Unless the Content Types are shared with an external application, it is not visible to the external application.
Profile Rating Models
Rating Models are used to measure the performance and proficiency of workers. For more information on Rating Models, click on http://buff.ly/1zUkT4d

Educational Establishments
This is where you define schools, Colleges, universities and so on that workers can use when they add educational information such as degrees to their profiles.
Person Profile
Person Profile is created for an individual worker. Person Profile is a collection of a worker’s skills, qualifications, education background and so on.
Model profile
Model Profile is created for Workforce Structures such as jobs or positions. Model Profile is a collection of work requirements for example a job profile contains information like competencies, degrees, certifications.
Profile Type
Profile Types are templates for Person Profile or Model Profiles. It determines whether the Profile is for a Person or Work Structure and the content of the Profile.

Content Library:

The content library is a collection of content types and content items. The content library contains predefined content types such as competencies, languages, and degrees. You can create new content types based on clients’ requirements.

Content Type:
Content Types are attributes such as a skills, competencies or qualifications that are added to a profile.

Content Item:
Content items are the individual competency, skill or qualification within a content type that you track in profiles. Example with Competencies content type, Leadership is a content item. You can create content items based on business requirements.

Jayashree Prakash


0 #1 krish 2015-08-27 10:47
Nice I had a doubt but
diff between fields for content types and content item

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About the Author

Jayashree Prakash

Jayashree Prakash

Jayashree is a Oracle Fusion HCM certified consultant who has over fifteen years' experience with Oracle. She has worked as a consultant with several of Alberta's energy companies. She lives in Edmonton and her interests include staying active in the warmer months and vacationing in the Caribbean in the winter

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